Free SAT Practice Exam
Be prepared to excel!
Score your best by knowing the specific subject matter to target for strong results! Detailed reporting of results and consultation provided.
Practice exam options:
(all can be completed at home as well)
​Register to take the SAT digital exam at our location. FREE
Students are proctored during the exam and receive detailed reporting. (Practice Test 1)- student can bring their laptop, iPad or - a few are available at our location​
H3 Business Services, (Hennings Plaza to the right of Henning's market) Harleysville PA
Register to utilize our enhanced practice exams and subject practice materials
Cost $125.00 or $25/exam
This adaptive exam provides additional practice for up to 10 exams with recommended practice
Completed the Bluebook exam and just need the reporting? We can provide a detailed report to help give a breakdown of your results. We will contact you to provide the information.